Under construction, please look forward to it
Providing jetting tools for various types of coiled tubing,tubing&drill pipes
1. horizontal well directional hydraulic jetting tools
2. Single-Plane coiled tubing jetting tools
3. Multi-Plane coiled tubing jetting tools
4. Single-Plane tubing jetting tools
5. Multi-Plane tubing jetting tools
6. Drilling pipe jetting tools
7. Thru tubing/drill pipe jetting tools
Providing coiled tubing jetting tools for 1.5, 1.75, 2, and 2.375 inch coiled tubing operations.
Providing tubing jetting tools for single stage jetting and multi-stage jetting operations of 2-3/8, 2-7/8, and 3-1/2 inch tubing.
Providing drilling pipe jetting tools for 2-7/8, and 3-1/2 inch drill pipe operations.
Providing Thru tubing/drill pipe jetting tools for 2-7/8, and 3-1/2 inch tubing/drill pipe operations.
Providing jetting tools for directional hydraulic injection operations in 2-3/8, 2-7/8, and 3-1/2 inch tubing straight wells.
Providing jetting tools for directional hydraulic jetting operations in horizontal wells within 4, 4-1/2, 5, 5-1/2, and 7 inch of casing.